Donate Here

 Dear loyal customers,

On August 25th, 2024 our farm went from absolute abundance and peak production, to absolute destruction from a powerful hail storm in just a matter of minutes. Neighboring farms described their damage as looking like a weedeater was taken to all of their crops, shredding all the leaves, and leaving complete destruction in its wake. Ours suffered the same fate.

Our seasonal business would ordinarily earn all its profit in the month of September, making this an absolutely devastating hit. Even as a responsible business with a crop insurance policy in place, compensation is looking unlikely and that outcome will be unknown till May of next year. Presently we have had to cancel every single wedding order for the remainder of the 2024 season.

We are incredibly appreciative of having such a loyal customer base, and it is heartbreaking to not be able to provide the flowers you all have grown accustomed to being able to purchase. If you were thinking of buying a bouquet, but feel moved to donate instead, we would be very grateful.

Your donation is very much appreciated and will go to support our staff as we navigate this challenging time.